The morning of Oct. 23 Beijing Time, according to foreign media reports, research Strategy Analytics released a report Friday in the third quarter Apple iPhone has shipped more than a BlackBerry, two were 15.4 million and 1240 million.
The third quarter, Apple's share of global smart phone market was 15.4%, while RIM is 12.3%. Nokia is still number one, share of 26.5%. Strategy Analytics said, RIM is a major cause of decline in the share, RIM is not actively involved in "high growth rate of touch-screen phone market."
Technology blog GigaOm's 达莱尔艾瑟 Burlington (Darrell Etherington), said: "As the smart phone market as a whole grew by 78%, so this is not the result of serious failure of RIM. Although more than Apple in terms of sales RIM, but Nokia still very far from over. "
But industry insiders believe, RIM will face more bad news. General consumer market, RIM has not made any breakthrough. Northern Securities analyst Summit Fabio De (Sameet Kanade) on Tuesday in a research report that: "In the consumer market, RIM lack of a strong ecosystem to support its platform, which is our greatest concern."
He also said: "Although RIM hopes to make progress in this area, we believe that RIM in the consumer market and the gap between the two leaders will widen each quarter."
More ominously for RIM, business users are increasingly receiving iPhone. In this week's earnings conference call, Apple analysts said that since the iPhone started shipping since June of this year, 80% of the "Fortune 500" companies have accepted the platform. Canard said: "We believe that, RIM critical enterprise iPhone user acceptance may cause a domino effect, further affect RIM's market share."